Back to work in Safety Harbor this morning on the routine -- drop Steven off, then stop by the garden before heading into the office. As I'm driving away, I noticed that Trish was approaching with a huge bag of cucumbers, 13 in all, plus many of the pickling types, that she picked over the weekend. Thanks to her keeping the vines picked, the cucumbers are continuing to produce like crazy.
I also would like to thank Janice and Jeff for watering everything in while I was away. They did all the hard work, and it was fun coming back to so much produce that ripened while I was out of town.
We are now up to 46 cucumbers picked, and counting...BUT wait, that was as of this morning...After work Karen and I stopped at the garden and picked another 6 nice sized cucumbers, bringing the total after 2 weeks and 1 day to 53! You'll also notice in the bottom of the photo the smallest Cucino cucumbers and a few Burpee Pickler cukes picked very young. I am not totalling anything other than the large slicing cukes into the total count! We planted a total of just 5 of the large slicing cucumber plants from seed back on February 6th. Now, after just about 2 months and less than 2 weeks we are enjoying a record harvest!
She also picked a prime yellow Butterstick Squash that I took a photo of below. That is squash #6 of the season. So far, the Butterstick is a variety of zucchini I'll be planting again...Here is the description off the Burpee website.
Squash, Summer, Butterstick Zucchini Hybrid:
Bright yellow zucchini with firm texture and sweet, nutty flavor. Burpee Exclusive
Bright yellow fruits have white flesh with firm texture and sweet, nutty flavor. Prolific plants with single-stem habit, have a long harvest period. Butterstick hybrid produces a yellow straight-neck squash on a zucchini type plant.
There are also some purple podded beans that look like they will be ripening in just a few days, and more tomatoes becoming vine ripe. Karen, Trish, and I sampled some purple beans straight from the vine, and they were very good! There will be an abundance very soon!
Also picked this evening was another zucchini, a large Tiger Stripe, #7 of the Spring Garden. They are very camouflaged within the plant, and without careful inspection are very easy to miss. Also, another red ripe bell pepper was picked as well. There is more of everything well on its way!
And here are the six cukes that were picked around 5:30 PM this afternoon, after work, bringing the total to
53 large slicing cucumbers in the first 2 weeks of picking! Two of the vines have reached the top of the 6 foot fence and I'll be constructing a roof for the trellis in just another day or two!
That's it for April 18th, the first day of Passover! I've got to find a recipe for cucumber salad or find some takers for cucumbers! Interestingly, my two dogs absolutely love them, and go crazy when I bring some into the house.!