Sunday, April 10, 2011

Premier Blog Post!

     Today was my Saturday to work, first patient at 8:30. I stopped at the garden before work for about 15 minutes, enough time to water the cucumbers. It was the only watering I've done in 13 days. I knew it was going to be a very hot day. Turned out, it topped out at 89 degrees. Sharon L. stopped by, and we walked to the garden and picked 3 cucumbers--#15, 16, and 17. One went to Sharon, one to Krys, and another one to Karen. It looks like the vines are producing very nicely. I see no insects or drought stress on any of the plants.

Looks like the zucchini's will be ready to pick in about a week, so they should be going crazy by the time Sandy comes home. It looks like there will be another 3-4 cukes to pick tomorrow! I noticed that one of the green bean plants has begun to flower-WOW, not the purple or the yellow, but the green ones! And this morning, I picked the very first tomato of the season--an orange sun gold--it was perfectly vine ripe, and I ate it right out of the garden--it was a WOW! It was sweet and non acidic, and had a creamy buttery texture. It was amazing! That's how a tomato should taste. 

After work I drove up to Land Rock and picked up 3 more bales of pine straw--1 for Myrtice, 1 for Barbara, and one for me. Also, Costco was having a sale on landscape fabric-4' wide x 200 feet for $33 so I bought one--that is enough to wrap around the garden twice. I'm hoping to see more mulch at the garden soon.

Another idea I had is to use straw around the garden--it looks better, is more comfortable to walk on, and doesn't get ants--so I may pick up a couple of bales of straw from Land Rock next week, and put it down around the garden, on top of the landscape fabric.

Tomorrow it is going to rain fish and seaweed emulsion on all of the plants in the early morning, when there is still dew on the leaves.  It has been 2 weeks since I've applied fertilizer, and with the rain, and the mulch being set down, tomorrow is a good interval to apply another round of fertilizer.

On another note, I started 2 cow pots of Ambrosia melon for Myrtice 6 days ago, and yesterday all the seeds germinated. I am going to give them to Myrtice tomorrow and help her build a trellis fence for her garden. I know I'll have more takers for the cukes tomorrow; that makes 1 week since we picked the first cuke, and to pick 17 cukes the first  week of harvest isn't bad. From left to right is Sharon, Krys, and Karen, with cucumbers 15, 16 and 17.


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