Sunday, April 10, 2011

Neptune's Harvest Fish and Seaweed Emulsion Day!

Obviously, it has been quite awhile since I've grown zucchinis! I totally misjudged how quickly these grow! There were quite a lot of changes at the garden today. There are purple podded pole bean flowers! It won't be long until the first purple string bean is picked. Our neighbor and friend Genia met me at the garden this morning and I sent her home with several freshly picked veggies, pictured here:
I was foliar feeding with the Neptune's Fish and Seaweed Emulsion when Genia arrived, and I warned
her that there was going to be a fishy smell. I don't think she quite understood, until she got a good whiff!
Sorry, Genia! Also learned from our gardening neighbor Nancy, that her dog literally goes crazy trying to get at the Neptune's Harvest Fish Emulsion. Her dog thinks it is the greatest thing in the world!
Check out this morning's harvest:

Picked cucumbers #18 and 19 early Sunday morning, along with several peppers, a small butterstick squash, and a sungold cherry tomato.

One of the biggest surprises of the day was witnessing how large the zucchinis have gotten. It won't be very long until a full-sized Butterstick Squash is picked. I read that 1 zucchini plant can yield between
25-50 squashes. Here is how the Butterstick looked this morning: Also, I'm now convinced that there is no powdery mildew on the Butterstick Squash:

The other amazing squash plant is the Tiger Stripe Zucchini. It, too, will be ready for harvest in just a few short days. Here is a photo of how it looked today. Also not worried about any powdery mildew.

Last, but not least, is the Black Beauty Zucchini. Some of the lower leaves were dying off, so you'll see in the photo that I trimmed them off. The zucchini's got a good deep watering of seaweed/fish emulsion this morning. Looks like there will be a zucchini sampling in a day or two!

Here is a couple of photos of the the purple podded pole bean and the first day of flowering!

The entire pole bean trellis is nearly encompassed by just 8 plants that surround it. All have easily made it up the 6 foot high trellis:

After watering and fertilizing everything, here is Winn receiving cucumber # 20 !
Winn has the most amazing zucchini plant--it must span close to five feet. She used
Hen and Mushroom Compost in the planting hole that she purchased at Willow Tree Nursery.

Jeff and Janice were at the garden this morning. Jeff and I started to put mulch down around the garden path, and after 2 wheelbarrows full of mulch, we ran into an ant problem again so we quit.
We are waiting for another delivery of mulch from a local tree service that happily dumps the mulch at the garden and avoids a disposal fee. Here is Jeff proudly displaying cucumber # 21. Hard to believe that just one week ago today we picked cucumber #1 !

The biggest change to Janice's & Jeff's garden today was the ears of corn that are forming. I'll need to take a photo and post it.

Here are the sungold tomatoes continuing to ripen. I ate one off the vine this morning, and it was one of the best tasting tomatoes of all time! Even better than what I remember them tasting like last Fall!

It is actually getting pretty close to the correct time to build the roof for the cukes to climb. Here is a photo showing that the vines have grown taller than the 5 foot fence posts. There is barely a foot of fence left to climb and then the vines will be trained to cross the 3 foot roof. The roof will have to wait until I return from Houston for the Vision Source North American Meeting.

Also, there is a 20% chance of rain on Tuesday. Regardless, I have no plans to water Monday or Tuesday. I plan on watering Wednesday morning before I leave for my trip.

Janice asked about Sandy this morning. We all hope that Sandy and Bill are having a wonderful time visiting with family and friends in Israel.