Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday update

Today was a very hot day here in Safety Harbor. Having received an inch of rain over the past 2 days, today there was no rain. No plans to water anytime soon--we may have more rain in the next several days, and the plants are doing fine. There are eggplants that will be ready to pick any day -- watching them daily so they'll be picked when they are at optimal size -- all the eggplants are either the Black Beauty variety or the Park's Whopper Hybrid -- both are the largest eggplant varieties. There are a total of 8 eggplant plants -- all but 2 were started from seed. One plant in particular is gigantic for an eggplant and it'll be interesting to track how many eggplants are picked just from this one plant.

Put down about 7 wheelbarrow full loads of mulch on the garden pathway. Only about 25% done.
After that, went into harvest mode and picked 2 prime zucchinis - a Butterstick and a Black Beauty -- bringing the zucchini total up to 18. Also picked 5 more large cucumbers, bringing the total to 84.

I've been eating several cukes a day in salads, grilling the zucchinis, and steaming the beans! Planning on grilling the eggplants as well, hopefully in just a few short days.