Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Cucumber vines are producing almost as fast as I can pick them!

After dropping Steven off this morning, I stopped by the garden. Having just picked 5 cukes and 2 zukes yesterday, I wasn't planning or expecting for anything to be ready for picking. After all, it had been just over 12 hours.

I noticed that there are more zukes that will certainly be more than ready to pick tomorrow morning. And the cukes... I had to pick 2 more cukes...they were ready. Additionally, I'm seeing that there will another 3-4 cukes that will be ready by tomorrow morning.

So...the picking I did yesterday with the intention of shipping it up to Albany with my Dad for his flight tomorrow, will be able to stay in my fridge, and I'll be able to pick even fresher produce tomorrow morning!

Today, cucumbers # 27 and # 28 were given to Trish, who lives in a house neighboring the garden. The onions now growing in the garden were complements of Trish. I snapped a photo of Trish with the freshly picked cukes this morning...