Monday, April 11, 2011

First zucchinis picked today!

Today was a hot and humid day. Did not water today, as yesterday's watering should last for 3-4 days, and, it may even rain a little bit tomorrow. I was watching the cucumbers and the zucchini's--not wanting either to get too big--finally, after work, the squashes were just optimal in size and I picked them both. I also picked 5 more cucumbers. The total number of cucumbers now stands at 26. That is 26 cucumbers in 9 days. They are producing just about every day, and I hope it will continue for another 4 or 5 weeks. Here is a photo of the cukes and the zukes--these are the first zukes picked this garden--the Butterstick and the Tiger Striped Squash both look like they are keepers and will be planted again. We'll see how many total zucchinis we get.

I also ate 3 or 4 of the orange sungold tomatoes right out of the garden. I can' t imagine planting a garden without growing these--they are amazingly good! There are also more peppers in the pipeline, some are starting to turn red, and we are still waiting for the eggplants to set fruit. If I don't see fruit by next week,
I'll spray the plants with magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salts)--that seems to work. Lots of flowers, but no fruit, no yet! Eggplants take time, but with 8 plants, the potential exists to get well over 100 eggplants!

Here is how the garden is shaping up as it is almost mid-April. Although we are having some hotter weather, we are due to have a cooling trend, with highs in the low 80's and low's in the mid 60's--near
ideal growing weather.