Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'm having to pick every day to keep up with production.

The temps hovered in the high 80's today, and none of the plants are showing any drought stress. I can easily water twice a week. I am preferring to water the plants deeply twice a week rather than shallow every day, and it seems to be working.
The Big Mama, which was showing major leaf curl, is starting to produce nicely. I think it was planted in too wet and too cold of a soil way back in mid January, but I let the soil dry out and warm up, and it is doing much better.
Here is a snapshot of what was picked around 6:00 PM, after work:

With the 4 cukes picked today it brings the total count up to 57, and with the 3 zucchinis picked here it brings the total zucchini count up to 10. And there are a nice number of purple pole beans ready to pick as well. I picked just a few to try.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, is a day off, so my plans are to try to get to the garden early and water everything in with fish emulsion and seaweed and then not water again until Sunday, when Sandy returns from Israel. I cannot wait to see her reaction when she sees what has transpired in just 3 short weeks!


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