Pictured below is today's harvest. First, the tomatoes: In the upper left are 2 Brandy Boy heirloom tomatoes, the larger one weighing in at 1 lb, 5 oz. In the lower left is a Brandywine Pink tomato. Next to that is a Razzleberry Tomato. In the upper right are 2 Chadwick Cherry Tomatoes. In the lower right are a handful of Red Currant and just a few Orange Sungolds.
Rounding out today's harvest are 3 cucumbers, 1 zucchini, 1 banana pepper, and a variety of stringbeans.
The cucumber total now stands at 110. The vines have attached themselves to the bamboo roof and I've been harvesting cukes hanging down from the 6 foot high trellis: There are a total of 5 plants growing on a 10 foot long 6 foot high fence.
Here are the Brandy Boy tomatoes ripeningn on the vine. Mostly all of the tomatoes pictured here will weigh in at a pound or more: I believe there will be 20-25 pounds of tomatoes on just this one plant!
By far the best producing of the 3 varieties of zucchini has been the Tiger Stripe. The total zucchinis picked so far is now 29. It looks like there will be more Buttersticks in a few more days.
In just a few short days there will be a bumper crop of the large Eggplants. Here is the largest plant that has more eggplants than can be counted:
Looks like no rain today. The 20% chance is now 10% but there is still a 20% chance on Friday. I watered today and used 2 oz. of Worm Tea as an additive. I also gave the yellow wax beans a little bit of granular fertilizer 5-3-4 to see if that gives them a boost. Still hoping for a good steady downpour.
Here is one last photo of today's harvest: