Monday, May 23, 2011

Not in the summertime rain pattern quite yet

Very hot and humid today. At least there were a few high clouds later in the afternoon when I stopped to pick a few veggies.

 Picked 2 nice cukes, a serving of beans, a large cup of orange sungolds and Chadwich cherries, and a large Better Boy. Also, the drenching watering I gave the zucchinis yesterday has resulted in a large zucchini ready to be picked today.
There are also more zucchinis that have set fruit on the other 2 plants.

Here is what the harvest looked like today. I also notice that there will be another nice wave of eggplants to be harvested in just a few days. I watered those in as well yesterday.

I think once the summertime thunderstorms begin, there will be another wave of veggies to harvest and it will extend the growing season perhaps.

With today's mini-harvest it brings the new totals to:

Cucumbers: 142
Tomatoes: 85
Zucchinis: 43
Eggplants: 26, with dozens more awaiting harvest.