Monday, May 2, 2011

Feels like summer will be here soon

Went to the garden to pick whatever produce was ready since yesterday, and was surprised by just how much I was able to harvest. Picked 3 more large slicing cucumbers, bringing the total to 105. The cucumbers have been producing for over 4 weeks now. Under the best circumstances, one can expect 6 weeks of production off a cucumber plant.

Also picked one Tiger Striped zucchini today, bringing the zucchini total to 26.

Also picked the first heirloom white cucumber today. There are also many of the red currant tomatoes ripening every day. And tomorrow I am looking forward to picking a possible 3 pound Brandy Boy vine ripe tomato. And more eggplants are perhaps several days away.

Here is a photo of today's harvest: The 2 green tomatoes were accidentally picked, but maybe I will find a recipe for fried green tomatoes!