Here's what I picked today after work--with temps topping out into the 90's, at 7:30 PM it had cooled to about 83 and with a slight breeze it wasn't too uncomfortable.
Zucchini--another Tiger Stripe
Eggplant-picked the largest one of the season off the Park's Hybrid Whopper.
Better Boy-still going strong
Chadwick Cherry--extra large cherry tomatoes.
Orange Sungold--picked a bowlfull.
Cucumbers large and small-at almost 8 weeks of producing these are just about at their end.
Red Pepper--several more ripening, one is ripening yellow.
Banana Pepper--many of these
Green Beans--not as many as in the Fall, but still a nice yield. I watered these in yesterday.Cucumbers: 144
Tomatoes: 87
Zucchinis: 44
Eggplants: 27
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