Thursday, May 5, 2011

Serious heirloom tomatoes have arrived

Seriously, I couldn't fit all the tomatoes that were ready for picking today into this one bin--there were more than you see here! The Brandy Boy's and Brandywine Pinks and Delicious that were started from seed on Dec. 1, 2010 have arrived! I have been checking up on them 2 or 3 times a day just to insure picking them at the peak of vine ripeness. This second wave of tomatoes eclipses the first, which were just a few compared to today. There will be a third wave of tomatoes in just a few days! Here is just an approximate indication of what I picked today.

The 3 cucumbers picked today brings the total to 113.

The total large tomato count is now at 30.

The total zucchini count is also now at 30.

Next up: Eggplants.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dr. Shawn Hollander,
I love your blog.... I read all of your posts. Keep blogging! I had a quick question: Would you be willing to sell me some of your crops ---- I would be delighted to see how great they taste.


Dr. Shawn Hollander said...

Dear Scott,

I would be happy to sell you a sampling of the variety of the fresh produce that we have grown.

You can reach me at the garden on any given Sunday morning between 9 and 10 AM.

Many friends and family have had the opportunity to eat the veggies from my garden, and unanimously, all are amazed at how much better the taste is compared to store bought, commercially grown produce.

Thanks for your inquiry.

Dr. Shawn Hollander