Was met at the garden today by Matt and Brett and was able to send them both home with some samples.
With the help of Jeff, Brett and Trish we mulched the paths and put down the landscape fabric around the garden, then we finished intalling the fence for Myrtice's Ambrosia melons to climb.
Picked five more cukes today, bringing the total up to 102. Here is cuke #100 hanging down from the bamboo trellis: Thanks to this Blog, I can refer back to the first post and see that the first cucumber was picked on April 3rd.
April 3 - May 1 = 102 large cucumbers, from five plants, started from seed on Feb 6.
Picked 2 more eggplants today, bringing the total to three. There is a wasp, a beneficial insect to a vegetable garden on the left leaf.
Picked two more zucchinis bringing the total up to 24. Picked a Tiger Stripe Zucchini--our most vigorously growing zucchini plant: There are 2 honeybees in the open flower.
And picked a Black Beauty Zucchini as well:
There were also at least a dozen or two of the Orange Sungold's to pick:
There were purple podded pole beans:
And many of the yellow wax pole beans:
Several more of the Brandy Boy large tomatoes are starting to ripen:
The Brandywine Pink's are starting to ripen:
There were many sweet banana peppers:
There were many ripe Red Currant tomatoes:
Here are some of the eggplants, and the giant eggplant in the center with dozens of eggplants:
And here is some of today's harvest:
And the rest of today's harvest:
hi Shawn -
I am a friend of Dr. Susan Finkelstein, she told me about you. Love reading about your garden on the blog - are you a member of the American Community Gardening Association? Would love to do a focus on your garden for our enews, which I work on.
Best -
Zazel Loven
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